“My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky”, crooned Wordsworth. Indeed, few sights can delight and uplift spirits as a rainbow can. As I was reading posts from friends about a lovely rainbow sighted in our vicinity, my thoughts went back to a couple of times during my travels, when I was fortunate to see two of the most gorgeous rainbow sights one could ever imagine – two very different places, two very different settings, both beautiful in their own different ways, both adorned in crowning glory from one edge of the horizon to another, by not one but two parallel rainbows, that is a double rainbow! As I mused down memory lane, I thought I could take a few of you along too, and help you see these beautiful spectacles in your mind’s eye…
Rome, Italy, June 2014
Rome – one of the most romantic cities in the world. During our visit there, heavy unseasonal rains threatened to ruin our plans. Unfazed, we stepped out to explore historical Roman ruins. We were very happy to have most of the sites to ourselves and to a handful like us who had ventured out. Having thus completed a lovely tour of a wet, empty Colosseum, finding that it had stopped raining, we had leisurely walked down the street flanked by the Roman Forum on one side and the Imperial Forum on the other, taking our time savouring the fascinating ruins and listening to their mystical legends on our audio guides. Happy but tired, we were discussing where we should take our coffee break, when we heard some commotion behind us, and we turned around to look. Lo and behold, the sight that greeted us left us gaping in amazement and wonder.
Right in front of us, crowning the regal ruins of historical Roman greats, was a large, majestic, perfectly symmetrical double rainbow. From where we stood, it seemed to stretch serenely from over Trojan’s forum right up to and beyond the Colosseum. Every single person was transfixed to their spot, looking up in awe at this magnificent spectacle. And as we emerged out of this initial spell, everyone rushed to capture the scene in lenses. Already drenched in rain, we were now soaking into this beautiful scene. The rainbow smiled down at us, as we looked at its beauty from various angles – sometimes over the Colosseum while at other times creating an illusion of Caesar holding it up on his finger.

I kept looking at it for a long time, wondering if it meant to tell us something – that sun and rain both form a part and parcel of life, that those who brave rains are rewarded with beautiful rainbows, that to experience the beauty of life, one needs to face up to its hardships too. What a lovely message and what a lovely way to receive it! We kept gazing at the rainbow until, as the sun emerged from behind the clouds, and the rains took a break, the coloured bands slowly faded, making way for bright white sunshine. The Roman ruins were restored to their usual sun-washed majesty, still beautiful, but sans the diadem they had just donned. A busload of tourists arrived, looking happy that rains had stopped. As we got into a café, we wondered if they knew what bliss they had missed in a bid to escape a few showers!
Ladakh, India, July 2016
This was during our road trip to the northernmost province of India nestled in the Himalayas – for a few days now, we had been exploring and were totally smitten by the uninhibited beauty of some of the highest mountains and mountain ranges in the world. On that particular day, we were in the breathtakingly beautiful Nubra Valley. We set about for a walk to explore the beautiful surroundings of our lodge, which was right on the banks of the Siachen river that flows down the Himalayan slopes.
With the mighty mountains as backdrop and the frigid flow of the river in the foreground, the loveliness of the landscape was indescribable. Far away on the horizon in front of us as well as behind us, we could see bright blue of the sky, but inbetween, there were dark clouds for the most part. While it was not raining in the area we were in, we could safely guess that it was raining in the mountains ahead of us. As I looked up, I could see some brightness begin to peep out, and voila, soon we had bright sunshine streaming down from a small porthole the sun had drilled for itself in the thick veil of clouds. It illuminated one side of the landscape while the other stayed overcast and dark. We were watching this game of light and dark and discussing how conditions were right for a rainbow, when as if on cue, right in front of our eyes, we saw a rainbow form – over the faraway mountains. It came about segment by segment, arc by arc, as if on a huge stage set up for a show, stage lighting was coming up as planned by the set designer. We cheered as we watched with glee, and before we could even fully take in the scene in front of us, a second arc emerged on top of the first – a perfect double rainbow on dusty dusky mountains that were half lit up by sunlight and half dark in shadows of clouds – an already picture-perfect spectacle made even more stunning by this augmentation.
Words cannot describe the beauty of what our eyes saw. The most thrilling part of the experience was to see the two rainbows develop in front of our very eyes; I get goosebumps even thinking of it. Our attempts at capturing this on camera were only partly successful, not because we didn’t get beautiful pictures, but because reality was way more beautiful and colourful than what a lens could ever capture. We kept gazing on, feasting our eyes on the scene in front of us. Again, nature was showing us how sun, shade and rain together make up the palette with which life’s picture is painted; that life always has a rainbow waiting for you; all you need is the patience to find it and the attitude to look for it!
For the colour they bring and the joy they spread both in the skies and in our lives, here’s a bow to beautiful rainbows!
Musingly Yours.
Vaishali, I share your child-like excitement at the sighting of a rainbow, be it a quarter, full or a double one. This intense joy is one that we will never grow out of. I enjoyed your recollection of your sightings made memorable by the historic/scenic locations and your holiday state of mind. Lovely read.
Thanks so much, Anitha! Glad you could relate to it.
Vaishali, you have truly nailed it.
Very beautifully written. I could actually visualise how nature’s beauty is unparalleled and a sight to behold. Loved the way you connected it to Life and how a Rainbow is awaiting everyone just around the corner.
Keep writing. Best wishes always..
Thanks so much, Amar. Glad you could relate to it.
You have captured nature’s beauty so vividly. how often we just take this for granted and go about life routinely.I liked the way you have related it to the hardships of life and the satisfaction one will definitely get if you brave the odds.
Keep musing Vaishali.
Love your writing.you have a wonderful way with words.
Thanks, Gayathri. Yes we do take these blessings of nature for granted. If we can just spare a moment to savour them, they can give so much joy!
Beautifully explained Vaishali…..you could visualise it….amazing…Keep Musing…Best wishes
Thanks so much, Shashank.
Rainbows do bring smile on one’s face.
I saw two of the best rainbows of my life; one just from the window of my Geneva home and other in Iceland, adding to the beauty of that land and mesmerising us totally 😊
Thanks for sharing that, Reena.
So vividly written Vaishali, the writing has to power to literally create a double rainbow in my thoughts. Loved the sentence ‘already drenched in rain, we were now soaking into this beautiful scene.’ Such lovely choice of words. Keep writing and stay blessed. Pramod.
Thanks so much, Pramod! Glad I could show you the rainbow in your mind 🙂
Vaishali, you have written it so very nicely. Direct Dil se. This would surely make others remember their own rainbow sightings and the pleasures it must have given to them. Keep writing.
Thanks, Charu!
I loved the two rainbows. Thank you for sharing
Thank you!
Vaishali, you have a way with words. You just made me see the rainbow. Keep writing.
Thanks so much, viki. So glad I could help you see the rainbow in your mind’s eye!
Thanks for taking us along with you Vaishali!! How lovely to have witnessed these beautiful sights!
Thanks, Sabina!
Vaishali I have never seen a double rainbow but today felt I saw it through your blog.. so adorably written. Rome is on my list, Ladhak is one of my favourite places, so thanks for making them come alive in lockdown.
Thanks, Sonal. Glad I could help you see the rainbow in your mind’s eye.
Double rainbows have the order of its color spectrum reversed in its arcs.
Lucky you to have witnessed it twice, and sharing those beautiful memories with the rest of us.
you are so right, Kalika. I missed mentioning this in my article. Thanks for adding.
Lovely post as always Vaishali. Amazing to see how you bring it alive years after you actually experienced it!
Thanks, Vaibhav. These things are etched in memory so not difficult to remember. And that’s where the many many pictures one takes help too 🙂
Wow, as always I am flabbergasted to your spectacular description of rainbows be it in Rome, Italy or Ladakh, India! The part that impressed me and make me awestruck how you connect the two very different aspects – a beautiful graphical write up on rainbows that you cane across with our life’s inner perspective, rainbow after rain followed by gorgeous sunshine.
Love your writings.
Thanks, Nahida. Glad you enjoyed the writeup 🙂
And I bow to your musings…bringing those magical moments alive and accessible to us with your evocative writing style. So keep musing and keep writing so we can also enjoy it all..vicariously through you.
Thanks so much for your kind compliments. Glad that I could show you those beautiful rainbows in your mind’s eye.
Lovely! Rainbows are always mesmerizing!
Thanks, Anshu.
Loved the way you captured one of nature’s wonders, Vaishali! I find it amazing that even adults turn into enthusiastic kids when a rare double rainbow is seen….. you are super lucky to have seen a full double rainbow twice!
And I loved your turn of phrase too…. you have a good way with words!
Thanks so much, Bijay. Yes, rainbows can turn anyone into a kid. Me for sure. 🙂
Through yours words you took us to what you saw through your eyes
Thanks, Pawan, glad I could make you see the rainbows.
Loved this piece of writing … expressed so beautifully … each word is heartfelt and I could visualise the rainbows too 😊
Rome is one of my favourite travel destinations & Ladakh is definitely on my to-do list ….
Keep writing ✍️
Best wishes always
Thanks very much, Sheetal.
Beautifully penned Vaishali again. …both in the description and also the message behind this
More power to you to keep sharing your artistic version of observations of life !!
Thanks so much, Mansi.
Wow! Vaishali, you echo the joy of every rainbow one spots. This was just what we experienced this morning in Canmore. Couldn’t freeze the moment though as we were on the freeway. But such a wonderful coincidence that you captured the joy that rainbows bring us, in your writings
Thanks, Aparna. Lovely that you saw a rainbow. With pollution lesser with reduced human activity for the last few months, I think rainbows are gracing us more often than we have ever seen in our lives.