साठवणीतल्या आठवणी – दिवाळी

दिवाळी – अंधारावर प्रकाशाने मिळवलेल्या विजयाचा उत्सव – किती साधी, सोपी, सुंदर संकल्पना! आपण त्याला नरकासुराच्या वधाचे रूप देऊया, रावणवधानंतर परतणाऱ्या रामाच्या अयोध्येमधील स्वागताचं रूप देऊया किंवा आणखी काही म्हणून उद्बोधूया, शेवटी ह्या सणाचे महत्त्व मूलभूत रूपाने फार साधं आहे – प्रकाशाने अंधारावर, म्हणजेच चांगल्याने वाईटावर, सत्कृत्याने दुष्कृत्यावर, ज्ञानाने अज्ञानावर, शांतीने अशांतातेवर, आशेने निराशेवर केलेली…

A Chat With the Incas

It was a beautiful night.  A clear, dark, full sky, dotted with innumerable little stars twinkling away to make their presence felt.  The moon shone bright, its full outline clearly and sharply visible around the concave crescent, as if emphasizing to us that it had a full circular shape, just that today it was choosing…

Lazy afternoons

  The English language has no dearth of beautiful adjectives that describe everything one would possibly ever want to describe.  There are some adjectives however, that must go with certain nouns.  It is as if they were made as pairs – blue sky, crispy fries, cosy couch, hot cuppa.  These pairs have been coined as…