Newton’s Laws Relearned

  I loved physics at school; and Newton’s laws of motion was among my  favourite concepts, as it helped explain so many things I saw in the real world around me.  Little did I know then that these same laws that govern the world of physics also apply to the world of mental physics, something…


Tasmania – Wonder, Down Under

` “Tasmania??? I wonder…”, said I.  We were exploring possible destinations for a winter vacation and Tasmania had just popped up as a serious option, checking off all criteria – not too cold at that time of the year, not visited so far, and one with a lot of natural beauty.  I was surprised at…


साठवणीतल्या आठवणी – दिवाळी

दिवाळी – अंधारावर प्रकाशाने मिळवलेल्या विजयाचा उत्सव – किती साधी, सोपी, सुंदर संकल्पना! आपण त्याला नरकासुराच्या वधाचे रूप देऊया, रावणवधानंतर परतणाऱ्या रामाच्या अयोध्येमधील स्वागताचं रूप देऊया किंवा आणखी काही म्हणून उद्बोधूया, शेवटी ह्या सणाचे महत्त्व मूलभूत रूपाने फार साधं आहे – प्रकाशाने अंधारावर, म्हणजेच चांगल्याने वाईटावर, सत्कृत्याने दुष्कृत्यावर, ज्ञानाने अज्ञानावर, शांतीने अशांतातेवर, आशेने निराशेवर केलेली…


A Chat With the Incas

It was a beautiful night.  A clear, dark, full sky, dotted with innumerable little stars twinkling away to make their presence felt.  The moon shone bright, its full outline clearly and sharply visible around the concave crescent, as if emphasizing to us that it had a full circular shape, just that today it was choosing…


Lazy afternoons

  The English language has no dearth of beautiful adjectives that describe everything one would possibly ever want to describe.  There are some adjectives however, that must go with certain nouns.  It is as if they were made as pairs – blue sky, crispy fries, cosy couch, hot cuppa.  These pairs have been coined as…


Life & Death

  Death – the state of being dead … when it comes, it stuns the life out of everyone around.  The blow of death hits the dead person silent, reducing him from an animate, warm, bubbling, noisy living somebody to a still, cold, rigid, silent “body”.  But it’s not just the dead person that this…


Addiction to Coolness

  Chaos and frenzy ….  so many here at the same time, crammed into this tight space.  Moving criss-cross, fast, very fast, as if getting somewhere but not sure where; bumping into each other and most times moving on without even looking up to see who they bumped into; sometimes a rare nod of recognition…
